Volunteering is an important part of our school community. Research shows that kids do better in school, both academically and socially, when their parents are involved at school. Each K through 8th grade family is required to do a minimum of 15 hours of volunteering and we know you’ll find something that you’ll love to be involved in! There are many ways to lend your time and talent to Our Lady of Hope School throughout the year and it’s a great way to meet other families and feel connected to the community.
SAFE ENVIRONMENT TRAINING & Driver Forms Prior to volunteering at school (field trips, class parties, help in the classroom, etc.) you need to have completed the Archdiocese of Seattle Safe Environment class and have an updated background check. All drivers are required to have a Valid Driver Form on file. The forms are available in the main office or on your School Admin Parent Portal.
Here are your 3 easy steps: 1) Take a SafeEnvironmentclass (the intial class is titled: Protecting God’s Children for Adults) offered through the Seattle Archdiocese. This is a 90 minutes class offered online or in person at various parishes throughout the year. The link to sign up for this classes is: http://virtusonline.org/ You need to pre-register and indicate that you will be volunteering at Our Lady of Hope School. The school is listed under the organization: Seattle, WA (Archdiocese). Please be careful to pick the school instead of, or in addition to, the parish. After taking the initial class in person, you will be required to take an online refresher course once every three years to remain current. The refresher class takes about 20 minutes.
2) Fill out a Volunteer Background Check Request. This is also done on Virtusonline.org. The background checks are good for three years.
3) Fill out a Driver Form. Forms are available in the main office or on your Parent Portal of the School Admin Enrollment site.
Thank you for investing time in your child’s school! If you have any questions contact the main office at [email protected]